Our FAQ page covers the most common questions we receive about our services, policies, and procedures. If you don’t find the answer you’re looking for, we’re here to help! Please fill out our inquiry form, and a member of our team will get back to you as soon as possible.

Mother holding newborn baby wrapped in a blanket
  • Women choose home birth for a variety of reasons. A home birth with a licensed Certified Professional Midwife provides a safe and intimate birthing experience in the comfort of your home. In our experience, most women crave and desire a birthing experience that is rooted in respect, intimacy, and individualized care. Midwifery care in the home setting allows for this and so much more.

  • What is your practice’s philosophy?

    The team at Seven Cities Midwifery Care is based on physiological birth and The Midwives Model of Care. Both of these place the pregnant woman, the baby, and the process of birth at the center of prenatal care, labor and birth, and postpartum care. 

    Physiological birth is defined as: “A normal physiological labor and birth is one that is powered by the innate human capacity of the woman and fetus.” (J Perinat Educ. 2013 Winter; 22(1): 14-18. doi: 10.1891/1058-1243.22.1.14) The female body and fetus are equipped to organize and function optimally during these processes by utilizing neurochemicals, hormones, and physical mechanisms created by the human body for this event. Minimizing disruptions and guarding the birth space allows the mom and baby to work in tandem and reduce complications. 

    The Midwifery Model of Care(TM) is client-woman-centered and includes the following:

    Midwives Alliance of North America and the Midwifery Task Force

      • Monitoring the physical, psychological, and social well-being of the mother throughout the childbearing cycle;

      • Providing the mother with individualized education, counseling and prenatal care, continuous hands-on assistance during labor and delivery, and postpartum support;

      • Minimizing technological interventions and;

      • Identifying and referring women who require obstetrical attention.

    • There are two Certified Professional Midwives licensed by the State of Virginia in the practice. Please see our Team page to learn more about Jenn and Sydney.

    • We have two paid birth assistants in the practice. Please see our Team page to learn more about Tess and Amanda.

      We highly support our profession by mentoring midwifery students. We currently do not have student midwife. If this changes, every client receives informed consent on their participation in the care.

  • Yes! We encourage everyone to come and meet us - ask all the questions! Set this up early as our practice does fill up quickly. Click here to fill out some brief information and we will contact you with an appointment.

  • Prenatal care can begin as early as 9-10 weeks to allow for First Trimester prenatal labs to be drawn and evaluating estimated due date. Clients may also choose to start between 11-12 weeks as they begin the second trimester.

  • We are a moderate volume practice. We keep our client load to 4-8 per month and will adjust accordingly if there are scheduled vacations, family events or trainings.

  • We serve most of the cities in the Hampton Roads/Tidewater area including Cape Charles/Eastern Shore, Smithfield, Battery Park, and the Peninsula and parts of Gloucester.

  • Most of our clients only see our practice during their entire pregnancy, labor/birth, and postpartum. Co-care is not needed unless a moderate risk develops that requires consultation or additional diagnostic procedures. If you have started your prenatal care with an OB, we can easily request those records, lab results, and ultrasound reports.

    • We have inflatable multi-use Oasis tubs available for our clients to use. You must purchase a water birth kit from

      Simply Birth's website

      . The cost is $62-72 (depending on hose length) + shipping fees. You will choose "Generic - Small" for the Size Option.Yes, we do have apprentices in our practice. We highly support our profession by mentoring midwifery students. We currently have one apprentice, Tess, who is assisting us in prenatals, labors/births, and postpartums. Every client receives informed consent on their participation in the care.

  • We utilize a global billing fee for your care. The cost is $5100.00. A $700.00 non-refundable deposit is collected at your initial prenatal appointment the remaining balance is due at 36 weeks. The cost includes the following:

    -Prenatal Appointments, office & 36 week home visit
    -Initial lab draws, in office; and additional lab draws if necessary
    -Limited in-office labs: Hemoglobin, 2 Hr Glucose Tolerance Test, urinalysis, and capillary blood glucose testing
    -Labor, Birth, and Immediate Postpartum attendance and care
    -Midwife assistant fee

    -Use of an Oasis Birth Pool (water birth kit not included)
    -Postpartum appointments (home and office)
    -Newborn Testing: Newborn Metabolic Screening, CCHD Screening, Newborn Hearning Screen
    -Oral or Injectable Vitamin K
    -BIrth Certificate filing and 2 state issued birth certificate copies

    -Postpartum Pelvic Floor Therapy Assessment
    -In-office newborn weight checks

    It does not include:
    -Lab processing fees for initial prenatal blood work, and other necessary labs (cash pay or insurance fees)
    -Birth Supplies
    -Any referred services: medical or boutique ultrasounds, physician fees, hospital fees due to transfer or other related charges
    -Water Birth Kit {link to Simply Birth
    -Pre-conception/Trying to Conceive Appointment

  • Yes, we do offer these appointments. The cost of the appointment is $275.00 and includes the following services: health intake, preconception lab draw and lab processing fees, nutritional review & guidance, fertility awareness education/cycle charting, and any necessary referrals. Please click here to request this appointment.

  • Right here.

Meet the Team

  • Smiling woman in white sleeveless top with blonde hair against a plain background.

    Jennifer Green, LM, CPM


  • Person smiling with short brown hair, wearing a brown blouse, against a plain background.

    Sydney Mustard, LM, CPM

  • A woman with long hair smiling, wearing a white blouse against a plain background.

    Liz Martin, PT, DPT, MTC, CMTPT

  • Woman with long wavy hair smiling

    Tess Rogers, Birth Assistant

  • Smiling woman with long blonde hair wearing a light-colored top against a plain background.

    Amanda Warring, Birth Assistant